Permalatt Vinyl Lattice vs. Big Box Store Lattice

You’re no longer limited to just one type of lattice if you want to buy a vinyl product. Of course the old choice was to go to the place that offers everything from cleaners and tools to lattice, alias the big box store.

Finishing Touches for Your Outdoor Living Space

Spring is slowing passing and the dog days of summer are heading our way fast. Some of us still do not have our landscape projects completed but we are really looking forward to enjoying our outdoor living space. Here are a few things to consider while planning that special space for your landscape’s summer look.

Winterize Your Outdoor Living Spaces

It’s getting cold outside! Time to winterize your outdoor area. If you live in an area where winter months bring frost, snow, or freezing rain, you’ll need to winterize your outdoor living spaces.  Each outdoor area will need some attention to ensure it is ready for a harsh winter.  Otherwise, you risk damage to your…